It said add a catchy title and that is all I could think of! I am sure my daughter, pictured above, and Christina, the #llama wouldn't like it too much! LOL!
A lot has been going on since my last blog. I will try to catch everyone up as fast as possible. First, we have been excited to welcome schools back to the farm. #Covid totally halted our school farm field trip experiences. So far this spring, we have welcomed over 100 school-aged visitors. Our Saturdays with #farm visitors continue to be popular. We are optimistic that this fall we will be back to our "normal" numbers. If you have a school, civic club, and association that would be interested in booking an experience with us, send them our way!
#Crias, #crias, #crias. We welcomed 2 crias last spring. This fall, we welcomed one more. This winter, we added a 4th. He was a little sooner than we thought. The girls have named in #captainamerica. I am not a fan of the name but they get to name one a year. All 4 are growing well and excited to see what their genetics produce. If all goes as planned, we are expecting 3 more this fall and 3 more in the spring of 2022. Funny story....our 2 spring crias were named Cole and June. They are now named Colleen and June. Yeah, someone, me, didn't check good and Cole was actually a GIRL! We figured this out during shearing. Thank goodness I had not sent in her registrations yet. That would have been embarrassing.
2021 shearing is DONE!!!! Well at least for our farm. I am sure we will get a call or two to #shear at other places this summer. It was a long season that included shearing a HUGE llama that took me for a ride and Eric shearing his first sheep. That was an adventure. I have actually started tumbling and skirting the blankets. If I keep myself on task, I will have all #yarn and rugs to the mill before July 1.
We are expecting a busy fall season. We will be at Martha's Market in Irmo during late August and then National Alpaca Farm Days will be the last weekend in September. Next on the list is Newberry's Oktoberfest and our biggest will be the Carolina's Christmas Classic at the State Fairgrounds. Busy, busy, busy.
Our #virutalfieldtrips will be ready this summer. It has taken a lot longer than I had planned. We have filming complete, for the most part. Now to put it together. I can't wait to show off the final results.
I promise I will get better at this blog thing..........(I wouldn't hold my breath!)